GOTA : A Web Based Information Extraction Platform

Nowadays, I’m working on a web based Information Extraction project. It’s currently in working prototype stage. I will be posting more technical information about GOTA project in future. For now, I’m adding video of Research editor usage. Your browser does not support the video tag. If you can’t watch video, here is the youtube version.

Distributed Caching By Using Velocity

I just wanted to share my distributed caching experience. Yesterday, I completed configuration of Velocity middle-tier cache farm on an enterprise application. Benchmark results were similar to Grid Dynamic’s whitepaper results. If you are about to decide a distributed-caching solution for your project, it’s worth to spend some time to take a glance at Grid Dynamic’s whitepaper.

Terminating Unwanted Running Instances in Biztalk Server 2006

There may be several reasons prevent to suspend or terminate running instances in biztalk server. Here is the sample checklist before starting maintenance: * Check Receive Location Adaptors (It’s not a must, but you may need to disable it in some cases) * Check IIS or your custom host solution that receive adaptor uses. * Check SqlServer Agent Service is running(Biztalk uses it in a lot of maintenance tasks)